So whether you have a dolphin tattoo or currently planning to get one, it is a good idea to know the different meanings that these tattoos have.
So what is it about a dolphin that makes it such a popular subject for tattoos? For one, their intelligence. They are smart and communicative; they arrange themselves into families and take care of their family. They even protect other pregnant dolphins, which indicates loyalty.
But even this long list is not the end of the dolphin's appeal. Dolphins, especially to us humans, look free spirited, joyful and playful. A dolphin tattoo represents these qualities and more: happiness, as dolphins always appear to be smiling with their big mouths. They are also very graceful animals, as you probably already know yourself.
They are also known for being very very strong.
To top it all off, the symbol of the dolphin is believed to bring prosperity and luck.
And the list of meanings doesn't end there. If you choose to tattoo two dolphins instead of just one, know that this also symbolizes harmony. Some go even further and design their tattoo so the two dolphins make a Yin- Yang shape.
So what is the relation between the person wearing the dolphin tattoo design and all of this traits and meanings? Either a person want to show that he is feeling a certain way (strong, graceful and joyful, for example), or he might not be feeling all or any these things when coming to tattoo a dolphin, but still tattoos it in hopes to feel this way in the future.